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"M O N D A Y M A D N E S S"
All damn day!
.60 Wings/$5 Industry Shots
"T A C O T U E S D A Y S"
$1.50 Tacos w/Beverage Purchase
$7 House Margaritas/$3 Tecate Tall Boy
. . . a n d
"G O L D F I S H R A C E S"
Cash Prizes, Winner takes All!
8pm Registration, 8:30pm Races Start
$2.50 Tall Boys (Rainier/Oly/PBR)
$2.00 Bud Light Drafts
*Drink Specials for Racers Only
W E D N E S D A Y "T R I V A"
hosted by Geeks Who Drink 7pm Start Time
20 Wings and Pitcher of Beer $35
"B O G O" T H U R S D A Y
Buy One Get One!
Buy any Burger/Sandwich and
get the 2nd one for 1/2 OFF
"F R I E D" F R I D A Y S
Captains Platter $15
Fried Cod, Shrimp, Clams, Fries and Slaw
S A T U R D A Y & S U N D A Y
Sat/Sun Brunch 10am - 3pm
"Champagne Campaign"
Bottle of Prosecco & Choice of Juice $20
"Manmosa Pitcher" Rainier Pitcher & OJ $10
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